Black Rose
21 Blck RseО бренде
В основе табака Kismet - бленд из четырех видов табака: бёрли, вирджиния, ориентал и дарк эйр кьюрд.
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Отзывы (1)
Setup: Hookah: Steamulation - ULTIMATE - Blue Clear, Bowl: Mason Shishaware - Helyx v2.1 Bowl, HMD: AOT Provost V2, Coals: OneNation 27er, Foil: Zomo - My Strong Foil 42 micros
The aroma is captivating, showcasing a pronounced and intense rose fragrance. The floral notes are complemented by a subtle spiciness, creating an enticing olfactory experience.
Flavor Profile:
A remarkable flavor profile that combines the sweetness of roses with the distinct taste of the dark base tobacco. The blend strikes a delicate balance between the intense rose aroma and the earthy, spicy undertones. Additionally, when subjected to increased heat, a subtle cigar aroma can be detected, adding further complexity to the blend. The slightly higher nicotine content enhances the authenticity and contributes to an enjoyable smoking experience.
Mixing Potential:
The intricate combination of the rose aroma and the dark base tobacco can be enjoyed on its own, as it offers a distinct and harmonious flavor experience. However, it also presents an excellent opportunity for mixing for a more oriental approach. I have found success by incorporating BLACK ROSE at 30% or less in my mixes. It blends particularly well with mints, lemons, berries, and tobaccos that have a cooling effect, such as DS-Supernova. It adds depth and complexity to the overall flavor profile, creating a truly delightful and refreshing smoking experience.
Smoke Quality and Heat Resistance:
Thanks to its fine cut and well-absorbed molasses exhibits great smoke quality. The tobacco's moisture content is balanced. It performs admirably in terms of heat resistance, allowing for a consistent and enjoyable session. During the initial 70-80 minutes of smoking, BLACK ROSE captivates with its excellent rose aroma and subtly spicy tobacco undertones and the blend maintains its quality throughout this duration.
Taste Profile:
When smoking BLACK ROSE, the taste is characterized by an exquisite and intense rose flavor. The floral notes dominate, accompanied by the earthy and spicy essence of the base tobacco. The blend's authenticity shines through, providing a rich and satisfying taste experience. Additionally, adding a touch of mint enhances the overall profile, offering a refreshing twist to the floral character.
In conclusion, is a top-tier rose tobacco blend that stands out as the best spicy floral option in the market. A harmonious combination of intense rose aroma and the distinct taste of the dark base tobacco. May not appeal to everyone, but it presents an intriguing option for Dark Blend fans seeking a floral twist.
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Табак пахнет разными благовониями и специями, похожим образом пахнет в храмах и спа-салонах. Официальное описание: сандаловое дерево, роза, бутоны цветков. Не знаю, как производителю удается сделать такие экзотические вкусы такими адекватными. То есть это прям можно курить, довольно необычно и приятно.
Интересный вкус от немецкого производителя. Обычно, когда речь заходит про мяту, несколько опасаешься пробовать в соло, поскольку нередко аромки оказываются слишком ядрёными (как epic mint spectrum, например). Здесь же вполне умеренный вкус. Забивал на фанеле в соло, 3 угля на прогрев и спокойное курение. Первые 5-10 минут на первом плане сладенькая ванилька с мятным оттенком, потом вкус несколько меняется, и на первый план выходит мята со специями. Это не похоже на классическую перечную мяту от других производителей. Можно было бы kashmir mint назвать даже с таким же успехом. Слегка даёт по горлу при сильном прогреве, но при плавном жаре аромка хорошо раскрывается. Добротный вкус. Лучше делать в миксах десертных, добавить чизкейка, печенья или сделать микс с ореховым молочком от сармы 360. Будет здорово!
Прикольный сладкий вкус. Не помню уже какой должен быть настоящий бисквит на вкус, но ладно, пусть будет бисквит :).
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I recently had the pleasure of trying Kismet Noir - Black Grape, and I must say it is one of the few grape-flavoured tobaccos that stands out without relying on coolness or mint. In this review, I will delve into the aroma, flavour profile, mixing potential, smoke quality, heat resistance, and taste profile of this unique tobacco blend.
Upon opening the package, the aroma of Kismet Noir - Black Grape immediately caught my attention. The scent of ripe grapes is rich and inviting, without any overpowering coolness or mint notes. It sets the stage for a flavorful and enjoyable smoking experience.
Flavor Profile:
Kismet Noir - Black Grape truly delivers on its promise of a very tasty grape flavour. The grape notes are delicious and authentic, providing a perfect balance between sweetness and tartness. What sets this tobacco apart is that it doesn't rely on coolness or mint to enhance the flavor. Instead, the focus is purely on the quality and natural taste of the grape, making it a standout option for grape enthusiasts.
Mixing Potential:
While Kismet Noir - Black Grape shines on its own, it also demonstrates excellent mixing potential. The absence of coolness or mint allows for greater versatility in creating unique flavor combinations. Whether you prefer to mix it with other fruity flavors or experiment with more complex blends, this tobacco provides a solid foundation for customization.
Smoke Quality and Heat Resistance:
The smoke quality of Kismet Noir - Black Grape is exceptional. The tobacco produces thick, voluminous clouds of smoke that add to the overall enjoyment of the session. Additionally, it exhibits excellent heat resistance, allowing for a longer-lasting experience without compromising on flavor. The absence of coolness or mint doesn't detract from the smoke quality; instead, it allows the natural grape flavour to shine through.
Taste Profile:
Throughout the smoking session, the taste of Kismet Noir - Black Grape remains consistently delicious. The grape flavor is very tasty, with a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. The absence of coolness or mint allows the earthy undertones of the tobacco to harmonize with the grape, creating a well-rounded and satisfying taste profile. This tobacco truly captures the essence of grapes without relying on additional additives.
In conclusion, Kismet Noir - Black Grape is a standout grape-flavoured tobacco that doesn't rely on coolness or mint to enhance its appeal. The aroma is inviting, and the flavour profile is both very tasty and authentic. Its mixing potential opens up a world of possibilities for creating unique blends. The smoke quality is excellent, and the heat resistance ensures a long-lasting and enjoyable session. If you're a fan of grape flavours and prefer tobacco that doesn't rely on coolness or mint, Kismet Noir - Black Grape is a must-try option.
Setup: Hookah: Steamulation - ULTIMATE, Bowl: Darkside - Shot
HMD: Kaloud - Lotus® I+
Хороший вкус, напомнил вкус сиропа Монин - лесной орех. Приятный и ванильный, можно в соло.
Табак насыщенный и Пряный, похож на специи с некой ягодой или фруктами, не как Пан Раас (более мыльный) или похожие на него вкусы. Kismet мне очень понравился по качеству, темный табак как у Дарк Сайда и мелко нарезан,хорошо вычищен, по крепости что-то среднее между Дарк Сайд soft и medium.
Ваниль сама по себе тяжелый для курения аромат, как будто давит на легкие, а тут по ощущениям некоторые ароматы Kismet Black с добавление аромата черного чая. В соло курится очень тяжело
Больше похоже на крепкий черный чай с лимоном, чай на первом месте, плотный и доминирующий, лимон тут чувствуется фоново и только из-за того что прочел слово лимон на пачке
Очень сомнительный вкус фисташек. Не знаю, наверное надо очень любить фисташки, чтобы этот вкус нравился, для меня это было примерно как курить вкус репки или баклажана какого-нибудь.
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